PARK FOR PEOPLE IN MICHAŁKOWICEPeoples Park, often called by the local community "Kozimi Górkami" or "Sztadion", is located on the site of the former quarry of the Michałów-bred Rheinbaben family. Founded in the 1930s, a recreational park for the public is an object with a rich history and countless natural qualities. The whole area can be considered as a documentation stand of inanimate nature.EXPLOREDactylosaurus gracillis was onefrom the first known pachypleurosaursin Europe. Its name means lizards finger. It is the smallest known species in its family.EXPERIENCECurrently, we can still find interesting species of plants in the park, such as snowball, jasmine, willow, ibex, great beard or common hazel.